well, this playlist includes an entire album from the band Sunspot. If you are looking at the story of my Wausau music career you cannot over state the importance of Sunspot. There are literally so many memories. I think Sunspot is one one of two times I went to an after party, and at the after party I fell asleep on the lawn.
Sunspot is how I engaged in social media first I think. And smart phones. Mike had a Palm Treo, which is probably the coolest. They shot videos on the Treo on the trip to SXSW (when that was a thing for musicians). They had a youtube channel before that was a thing.
I think the take away from Sunspot is ‘do cool shit and show your friends’. I mean they played shows everywhere, all the time, anywhere any time. And they rocked your socks off.
They were the definition of rocking off of socks. They went hard, they rolled positive, and they made jokes. They were PMA.
I mean, when I decided to promote my own all day show, there was no one else. They were the first call. And they were cool enough to do it for me.
They played at Scott Street as often as I could get them in. And they never let me down. And they still play. Sunspot man, they are the realest of real.