I love ❤️ this post. Honestly, I’m the farthest thing from a stereotype of a sports lover and yet I’m crazy competitive when it comes to sports and love watching certain ones though I don’t play them like basketball and football. Basketball saved me when my

Mom got sick in grade school. I would go out for hours and play “pig” and just shoot the ball for no good reason.

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Part of what I think I am going to get to eventually is the tactile as theraputic. My ex was a D1 jock, and became a massage therapist, then a physical therapist, so there are these bigger ideas at play. How we are losing the common physical touch. My mom is hardly ever touched by anyone other than health care providers and me sometimes. But, the lighter part, the act of the ball spinning in your hands, that sense memory is strong for me. I think the tactile and the act of exertion are touchstones for me.

I am left handed, so dribbling with my right hand, crossing between my legs to my left, and shooting a jumper, man, what a feeling.

Or jab stepping. Jab stepping was awesome.

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